Dated, timeless and modern hairstyles
When it comes to female hairstyles there are four lengths we can talk about:
- Short – pixie haircut.
- Medium
– bob
– long bob (lob) - Long – hair that ends somewhere around breast / shoulder blades level. I personally think that there is no need to grow hair longer – it starts looking scruffy.
All of those four above mentioned hairstyles can look either modern, dated or timeless. The difference mostly depends on how you style it. Styles that look modern during a certain period of time will look dated after a while.
Timeless hairstyles usually look natural. It is often difficult to say when a picture was taken (this also applies to makeup and clothes). As for the modern hairstyles, the general theme of the current decade is naturally looking hair (and makeup).
Lets take a closer look and start with the timeless version of a pixie cut. It looks as good now as it did 60 years ago.

Here are some examples of dated ways to style short hair. They looked cool and modern at their time, but we simply don’t style hair like this any more.

And here are some modern ways to style a pixie haircut, which will become dated after a while, so we will be able to say “Oh, that’s so 2010s!”

The next timeless haircut is bob. You can wear it side or center parted and with or without fringe. As for me this is the easiest hairstyle to have.

Dated ways to style bob haircut:
And here are some modern examples. This type of waves is the most common style of the current decade. If you want to learn how to create them, try to search “beach waves with flat iron or wand” on Youtube.
The next hairstyle is lob (long bob). The only difference between them is length. Long bob ends around collarbones.

Dated ways to style long bob haircut.
And modern ways. See those waves again?

At last come long hairstyles. As I said natural hair cannot possibly go out of fashion.

Dated: We don’t style long hair like this unless we go to a party with a 40s, 60s, 70s or 80s theme.

Modern ways to style long hair.

All of the styles below are dated. Layers, shagginess and spikiness are currently out of fashion
We don’t usually want to have dated hairstyle unless we go to a costume party. So you should either keep an eye on current fashion or opt for timeless ways to style your hair.
To keep yourself updated with modern hairstyles go to HM, Zara, Mango websites from time to time and check how they style their models.
Which style do you prefer? I usually float between modern and timeless versions of bob and lob.. :)